The Vice Chancellor has made the following new Practice Directions, which are included in this supplement:
Part 40 Judgments and Orders: Accounts and Inquiries
Judgments and Orders
Part 42 Change of Solicitor
Parts 43 48 Costs
Part 49 Specialist Jurisdictions: Contentious Probate Proceedings
Applications under the Companies Act 1985
Technology & Construction Court
Commercial Court
Patents etc.
Schedule 1, RSC Order 31
Also included are amendments made by the Vice Chancellor to Practice Directions contained in the January publication as follows:
- Part 7
- new paragraph 4.
- Part 8
- new paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6
- Part 12
- paragraph 1.2(3), rule reference amended
- paragraph 3, form numbers amended
- Part 16
- paragraphs after 6 re-numbered
- existing paragraph 11.3 deleted
- new paragraph 16.3
- Part 20
- paragraph 5.1 amended
- new paragraph 7.6
- Part 21
- new paragraph 6.3
- Part 23
- paragraph 9.6 amended
- Part 26
- paragraph 2.1 amended
- Part 28
- paragraph 6.1(4) amended
- Part 30
- paragraph 5.3, rule reference amended
- Part 31
- new paragraph 7
- Part 32
- paragraph 3.1 amended
- new paragraph 15.4
- paragraph 17.1 amended
- paragraph 18.5, rule reference amended
- Part 35
- paragraph 2 amended
- Part 37
- paragraph 1.3 amended
- paragraph 5, amended rule reference
- Part 51
- new paragraph 19(3)(d)
Other amendments included in this mailing are:
- Rule Part 27
- paragraph 11(1)(b), layout amended, to make sense of rule clear
- Form N9C
- Section 12 re-numbered
- Form N150
- Section A amended
- Notes (Section A, Settlement) amended