The Vice Chancellor has made the following new Practice Directions, which are included in this supplement:

Part 40 Judgments and Orders: Accounts and Inquiries

Judgments and Orders

Part 42 Change of Solicitor

Parts 43 48 Costs

Part 49 Specialist Jurisdictions: Contentious Probate Proceedings

Applications under the Companies Act 1985

Technology & Construction Court

Commercial Court

Patents etc.



Schedule 1, RSC Order 31

Also included are amendments made by the Vice Chancellor to Practice Directions contained in the January publication as follows:

Part 7
new paragraph 4.
Part 8
new paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6
Part 12
paragraph 1.2(3), rule reference amended
paragraph 3, form numbers amended
Part 16
paragraphs after 6 re-numbered
existing paragraph 11.3 deleted
new paragraph 16.3
Part 20
paragraph 5.1 amended
new paragraph 7.6
Part 21
new paragraph 6.3
Part 23
paragraph 9.6 amended
Part 26
paragraph 2.1 amended
Part 28
paragraph 6.1(4) amended
Part 30
paragraph 5.3, rule reference amended
Part 31
new paragraph 7
Part 32
paragraph 3.1 amended
new paragraph 15.4
paragraph 17.1 amended
paragraph 18.5, rule reference amended
Part 35
paragraph 2 amended
Part 37
paragraph 1.3 amended
paragraph 5, amended rule reference
Part 51
new paragraph 19(3)(d)

Other amendments included in this mailing are:

Rule Part 27
paragraph 11(1)(b), layout amended, to make sense of rule clear
Form N9C
Section 12 re-numbered
Form N150
Section A amended
Notes (Section A, Settlement) amended

A new contents’ list is included to reflect these changes and to indicate where Rule parts are supplemented by Practice Directions

Ministry of Justice