Ministry of Justice webchats

Cremation consultation

 Web chat 29 February 12-1pm

We’re hosting a web chat so you can tell us what you think about the issues and proposals in our consultation on cremations.

We would like to hear your views particularly on the following:

  • a definition of ashes – should ashes be defined in law as everything that is in the cremator after a cremation (following the removal of any metal)? Why (not)?
  • the cremation of babies of less than 24 weeks’ gestation (which would include miscarriages and abortions) – should this be regulated in the same way as other cremations, with new statutory forms and checks at crematoria? How would this work when hospitals often arrange these cremations as shared cremations, which is different from other cremations?
  • a national cremation working group – our plan is that the group will consider things like the training of crematorium staff and funeral directors; cremation codes of practice; and information for bereaved parents. What do you think about these things and how the group should operate?
  • an inspector – is an inspector needed and if so why and how would it be funded?
  • the collection of ashes – should a cremation applicant have to specify how they wish the ashes to be disposed of, before a cremation can happen?

Submit your views or questions to us from now until Sunday 28 February, by emailing (When submitting your comment please indicate how you’d like your name to be displayed in the web chat). You may also comment or ask questions live during the web chat.

Following this event, we’ll feed your comments and suggestions into the consultation. The consultation closes on 9 March 2016.


Live Blog Cremation consultation following recent inquiries into infant cremations

Ministry of Justice