The Vice Chancellor has made the following new Practice Directions, which are included in this supplement:

Part 7 – How to Start Proceedings: Production Centre

Part 8 – How to Make Claims in the Schedule Rules and Other Claims

Part 40 – Judgments and Orders: Structured Settlements

Part 41 – Provisional Damages

Part 49 – Specialist Jurisdictions: Technology and Construction Court (this replaces the Practice Direction published in the first instalment)

Schedule 1, RSC Order 31 & Schedule 2, CCR Order 29: Committal Applications

Also included are amendments made by the Vice Chancellor to previously published Practice Directions as follows:

Part 7 (The Claim Form)
paragraph 2.9 amended
Part 7B (Consumer Credit Act Claim)
paragraphs 4.1 and 7.2 amended
Part 12 (Default Judgment)
paragraph 1.2(3) amended
Part 16 (Statements of Case)
paragraph 8.1 amended new text inserted between 8.1 and 8.2
Part 23 (General Rules about Applications)
paragraphs 6.3(1) and (5) amended
Part 25 (Interim Injunctions)
paragraph 4.5(1) amended
Part 26 (Case Management)
new text inserted between 7.4 and 7.5 paragraph 10.2(10) replaced
Part 27 (Small Claims Track)
new text inserted at end of paragraph 7.3
Part 28 (Fast Track)
paragraphs 3.6(3) and 3.7(4) amended paragraph 7.1(1) replaced in Appendix, paragraph relating to Trial Bundle amended
Part 29 (Multi-Track)
paragraphs 5.5(2) and 10.1 amended
Part 32 (Evidence)
paragraph 17.1 amended
Part 34 (Depositions and Court Attendances)
paragraph 6.1 amended
Part 39 (Miscellaneous Provisions)
new paragraph 1.5(11) inserted
Protocols Practice Direction
paragraph 2.4 amended paragraph 3.2(b) replaced new paragraph 5.2, remainder paragraphs re-numbered

There are minor editorial amendments to the following forms. The revised versions should be inserted into the Forms’ section of the publication and the originals discarded:

N1 (FD)
Consumer Credit Act Claims
Listing Questionnaire
Notice of Issue (non-money claim)
Notice to Admit Facts
Notice to prove documents at trial

A revised contents’ list is included.

Ministry of Justice