New material included
Practice Direction
Part 53 – Defamation Claims
Amendments to existing material are included as follows:
Practice Directions:
- Part 7
- para. 6.1(2) replaced
- Part 16
- paragraphs 8 and 15 deleted; other paras re-numbered consequentially
- Part 26
- para. 2.1, cross reference to Costs Practice Direction amended to show Costs Practice Direction number
- Part 48
- paras. 2.1-2.9 replaced, remaining paras. renumbered
- Costs Form 1 (N260)
- text in final box amended
- Costs Form 5 (N252)
- text amended
- Costs Form 8 (N258)
- becomes 8A, text amended
- Costs Form 8B (N258A)
- Form newly introduced to this section
- Costs Form 15 (EX80A)
- second section C amended to D
- Form N9C
- amendments to italicised instructions
- Form N252
- text amended
- Form N258
- text amended
- Form N258A
- text amended
- Form N242A
- text amended
- Form N243
- text amended; instructions relating to bank details amended
- Form ADM1
- amended opening times
The Practice Direction supporting Part 53 (Defamation) and the amendments to Practice
Direction 16 are planned to come into effect on 28 February 2000, in line with the new and amended Civil Procedure Rules, which provide for the commencement of the remaining provisions of the Defamation Act 1996, also planned for 28 February. The Statutory Instrument containing the new Rules is due to be published in early February (it will also contain rules on other topics which will come into force in May 2000). The current procedures in Practice Direction 16, read with RSC Order 82 will continue to apply until 28 February.
All other amendments come into effect on 14 February 2000.