This PD applies to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022. For applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022 see the following link.

See also Part 5

This Practice Direction supplements FPR Part 5, rule 5.1 (Forms)

Contents of this Practice Direction

Scope and interpretationPara. 1.1
OmittedPara. 2.1
Application noticesPara. 2.2
Other FormsPara. 3.1

Scope and interpretation

1.1 This Practice Direction lists the forms to be used in family proceedings on or after 6th April 2011. Table 1 lists the forms against the part of the FPR to which they are relevant, and Table 2 lists the forms individually with their description.

1.2 The forms may be –

(a) modified as the circumstances require, provided that all essential information, especially information or guidance which the form gives to the recipient, is included;

(b) expanded to include additional pages where that may be necessary, provided that any additional pages are also verified by a statement of truth.

1.3 Any reference in family proceedings forms to a Part, rule or Practice Direction is to be read as a reference to the equivalent Part, rule or Practice Direction in the FPR and any reference to a Practice Direction in any CPR form used in family proceedings is to be read as a reference to the equivalent Practice Direction in the FPR.

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Application notices

2.2 Where an application under the Part 18 procedure is to be made by application notice, the forms to be used are –

(i) subject to sub-paragraph (ia), Form C2 where the application is made in the course of or in connection with proceedings under Part 12;

(ia) Form C650 where the application is to vary or set aside an order made in relation to children where a toxicology test error has been identified and the applicant asserts that this has materially or significantly affected the order;

(ii) Subject to sub-paragraphs (iii) and (iv), Form D11 where the application is made in the course of or in connection with proceedings under Parts 7, 8 or 9;

(iii) Form D650 where the application is to vary or set aside a financial order where a Form E calculator error has been identified in an online HMCTS FormFinder Form E and the applicant asserts that this has materially or significantly affected the order;

(iv) Form D651 where the application is to vary or set aside an order made in financial remedy proceedings where a Form E1 calculator error has been identified in an online HMCTS FormFinder Form E1 and the applicant asserts that this has materially or significantly affected the order;

(v) Form N244 where the application is made in the course of or in connection with appeal proceedings in the family court;

(vi) Form FP244 where the application is made in the course of or in connection with appeal proceedings in the High Court;

(vii) Form FP2 in any other case.

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Other Forms

3.1 Other forms may be authorised by practice directions.

Table 1

Index to forms

FPR PartForms
Part 3 Non-court dispute resolutionFM1, FM5
Part 6 ServiceC9, D5, D89, FL415, FP6
Part 7 Matrimonial and Civil Partnership ProceedingsD6, D8, D8B, D8BN, D8D, D8D Notes, D8N, D8S, D9B, D11, D13B, D20, D36, D36A, D36N, D81,D84, D84NV, D84NVA
Part 8 Miscellaneous ApplicationsD50, D50A, D50B, D50C, D50D, D50E, D50F, D50G, D50H, D50J, D50K
Part 8 Chapter 5 Applications for declarationsC63, C64, C65, D70
Part 9 Applications for a Financial RemedyForm A, Form A1, Form B, Form E, Form E Notes,Form E1, Form E2, Form F, Form I, Form P, Form P1, Form P2, Form PPF, Form PPF1, Form PPF2
Part 10 Applications under Part 4 of the Family Law Act1996FL401, FL403, FL407, FL415
Part 11 Applications under Part 4A of the Family Law Act 1996 or Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003FGM001, FGM003, FGM005, FGM006, FGM007, FL401A, FL403A, FL407A, FL430, FL431
Part 12 Applications in respect of childrenC1, C1A, C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, C9, C12,C13A, C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, C20,C66, C67, C68, C78, C79, C100, C110A, C(PRA1), C(PRA2) C(PRA3), PLO8, PLO9, PLP10(PLO8 and PLO9 do not apply to Part 4 proceedings)
Part 13 Applications under section 54 of Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008C51, C52, A64A, A101A
Part 14 AdoptionA4, A5, A50, A51, A52, A53, A54, A55, A56, A57 A58, A59, A60, A61, A62, A63, A50 Notes, A51 Notes, A52 Notes, A53 Notes, A54 Notes, A55 Notes, A56 Notes, A57 Notes, A58 Notes, A59 Notes, A60 Notes, A61 Notes, A62 Notes, A63 Notes, A64, A65, A100, A101, A102, A103, A104, A105, A106, A107
Part 15 Representation of Protected PartiesFP9
Part 16 Representation of childrenFP9
Part 18 Applications in proceedingsC2, C650, D11, D650, D651, FP2
Part 19 Alternative Procedure for applicationsFP1, FP1A, FP1B, FP3, FP5
Part 22 EvidenceN285
Part 24 WitnessesFP25
Part 26 Notification of change of solicitorFP8
Part 28 CostsD252, D254, D258, D258A, D258B, D258C, D259, Form H, Form H1, N260
Part 30 AppealsFP161, FP161A, FP162, FP162A, N161, N161A, N161B, N161D, N162, N162A, N162, N164
Part 31 Registration of Orders under the Hague Convention 1996C69
Part 32 Registration and Enforcement of OrdersD151
Part 33 EnforcementD62, Form E1, N323, N349
Part 34 Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance OrdersREMO 1, REMO 2
Part 37 Applications and proceedings in relation to contempt of courtFC600
Part 39FE15, FE16, FE17
Part 40FE6, FE7

Table 2

List of Forms

A4Application For Revocation Of An Order Freeing A Child For Adoption
A5Application For Substitution Of One Adoption Agency For Another
A50Application for a placement order Section 22 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A51Application for variation of a placement order Section 23 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A52Application for revocation of a placement order Section 24 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A53Application for a contact order Section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order for contact or prohibiting contact under section 51A of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A54Application for variation or revocation of a contact order Section 27(1)(b) or Section 51B(1)(c) Adoption and Children Act 2002
A55Application for permission to change a child’s surname Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A56Application for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A57Application for a recovery order Section 41 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A58Application for an adoption order Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A59Application for a Convention adoption order Section 46Adoption and Children Act 2002
A60Application for an adoption order (excluding a Convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A61Application for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad Section 84 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A62Application for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A63Application for an order to annul a Convention adoption or Convention adoption order or for an overseas adoption or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid Section 89 Adoption and Children Act 2002
A50 NotesApplication for a placement order Section 22 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A51 NotesApplication for variation of a placement order Section 23 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A52 NotesApplication for revocation of a placement order Section 24 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A53 NotesApplication for a contact order Section 26 Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order under section 51A of the Act– Notes on completing the form
A54 NotesApplication for variation or revocation of a contact order Section 27(1)(b) or section 51B(1)(c) Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A55 NotesApplication for permission to change a child’s surname Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A56 NotesApplication for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A57 NotesApplication for a recovery order Section 41 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A58 NotesApplication for an adoption order Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A59 NotesApplication for a Convention adoption order Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A60 NotesApplication for an adoption order (excluding a Convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A61 NotesApplication for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad Section 84 Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A62 NotesApplication for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 – Notes on completing the form
A63 NotesApplication for an order to annul a Convention adoption or Convention adoption order or for an overseas adoption or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid Section 89 Adoption and Children Act 2002 –Notes on completing the form
A64Application to receive information from court records Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002
A64AApplication to receive information from court records about a parental order Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002
A65Confidential information
A100Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with any prospective adopters chosen by the Adoption Agency Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A101Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopters Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A101AAgreement to the making of a parental order in respect of my child Section 54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
A102Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopter(s) and, if the placement breaks down, with any prospective adopter(s) chosen by the adoption agency Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A103Advance Consent to Adoption Section 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A104Consent to Adoption The Adoption and Children Act2002
A105Consent to the making of an Order under Section 84 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A106Withdrawal of Consent Sections 19 and 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A107Consent by the child’s parent to adoption by their partner The Adoption and Children Act 2002
C1Application for an Order
C1AAllegations of harm and domestic violence (Supplemental information form)
C2 Application
  • For permission to start proceedings
  • For an order or directions in existing proceedings
  • To be joined as, or cease to be, a party in existing family proceedings under the Children Act1989
C3Application for an order authorising search for, taking charge of and delivery of child
C4Application for an order for disclosure of a child’s whereabouts
C5Local Authority application concerning the registration of a child-minder or a provider of day care
C8Confidential contact details
C9Statement of service
C12Supplement for an application for a warrant to assist a person authorised by an Emergency Protection Order
C13ASupplement for an application for a Special Guardianship Order Section 14A Children Act 1989
C14Supplement for an application for authority to refuse contact with a child in care
C15Supplement for an application for contact with a child in care
C16Supplement for an application for a Child Assessment Order
C18Supplement for an application for a Recovery Order
C19Application for a warrant of assistance
C20Supplement for an application for an order to hold a child in Secure Accommodation
C51Application for a Parental Order Section 54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
C52Acknowledgement of an application for a Parental Order
C63Application for declaration of parentage under section55A of the Family Law Act 1986
C64Application for declaration of legitimacy or legitimation under section 56 (1) (b) and (2) of the Family Law Act 1986
C65Application for declaration as to adoption effected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986
C66Application for inherent jurisdiction order in relation to children
C67Application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985
C68Application for international transfer of jurisdiction to or from England and Wales
C69Application for registration, recognition or nonrecognition of a judgment under the 1996 Hague Convention
C78Application for attachment of a warning notice a child arrangements order
C79Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order
C100Application under the Children Act 1989 for a a child arrangements, prohibited steps, specific issue section 8 order or to vary or discharge a section 8 order
C110AApplication for a Care or Supervision Order and other orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an Emergency Protection Order under section 44 of the Children Act 1989
C650Application notice to vary or set aside an order in relation to children (drug and/or alcohol toxicology test after 2010)
C(PRA1)Parental Responsibility Agreement
C(PRA2)Step Parent Parental Responsibility Agreement
C(PRA3)Parental Responsibility Agreement Section 4ZA Children Act 1989 (Acquisition of parental responsibility by second female parent)
D5Notice to be indorsed on documents served in accordance with rule 6.14
D6Statement of Reconciliation
D8Application for a divorce or dissolution (ending a civil partnership)
D8BAnswer to a divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation or application
D8BNAnswer to a nullity application

Petition for a presumption of death order and dissolution of a civil partnership

D8D NotesSupporting notes for guidance on completing a petition for a presumption of death order and dissolution of a civil partnership
D8NNullity application
D8SApplication for a (judicial) separation
D9BParticulars of person whose address is being sought where details are unknown
D11Application Notice
D13BStatement in support of a request to dispense with service of the divorce/ dissolution /nullity/ (judicial) separation application on the Respondent
D20Medical Examination: statement of parties & examiner
D36Notice of Application for Conditional Order to be made final
D36ANotice of application for a conditional order to be made final (Where the conditional order was made on a joint application, but you wish to make a sole application at this stage)
D36NNotice of application for a conditional order of nullity to be made final
D50Notice of application under section 17 of the Married Women’s Property Act 1882/section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50ANotice of proceedings and acknowledgement of service under section 17 of the Married Women’s Property Act 1882/ section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50BApplication under section 17 of the Married Women’s Property Act 1882/ section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004/ Application to transfer a tenancy under the Family Law Act 1996
D50CApplication on ground of failure to provide maintenance
D50DApplication for alteration of maintenance agreement after the death of one of the parties,under section 36 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973/ paragraph 73 of Schedule 5to the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50EApplication for permission to apply for financial relief after overseas divorce/dissolution etc under section 13 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 / paragraph 4 of Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50FApplication for financial relief after overseas divorce etc under section 12 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act1984/paragraph 4 to Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50GApplication to prevent transactions intended to defeat prospective applications for financial relief
D50HApplication for alteration of maintenance agreement during parties lifetime
D50JD50J Application for an order preventing avoidance under section 32L of the Child Support Act 1991
D50KNotice of Application for Enforcement by such method of enforcement as the court may consider appropriate
D62Request for issue of Judgment Summons
D70Application for Declaration of Marital/Civil Partnership Status
D81Statement of information for a Consent Order in relation to a financial remedy
D84Application for a conditional order or(judicial) separation order
D84NVApplication for a conditional order of nullity – void marriage/civil partnership
D84NVAApplication for a conditional order of nullity – voidable marriage/civil partnership
D89Request for personal service by a court bailiff
D151Application for registration of maintenance order in the family court
D252Notice of commencement of assessment of bill of costs
D254Request for a default costs certificate
D258Request for a detailed assessment of hearing
D258ARequest for detailed assessment (legal aid only)
D258BRequest for detailed assessment (Costs payable out of a fund other than the Community Legal Service Fund)
D258CRequest for detailed assessment hearing pursuant to an order under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974
D259Notice of appeal against a detailed assessment(divorce)
D650Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial order (Form E calculator error)
 D651Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial remedy (Form E1 calculator error)
FC600Contempt application
FE6Application for a charging order on land or property
FE7Application for a charging order on securities
FE15Request for attachment of earnings order
FE16Request and result of search in the attachment of earnings index
FE17Form for replying to an attachment of earnings application (statement of means)
FGM001Application for a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM003Application to vary, extend or discharge a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM005Application for a warrant of arrest Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order
FGM006Application for leave to apply for a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM007Application to be joined as, or cease to be, a party to a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FL401Application for a non molestation order/an occupation order
FL401AApplication for a Forced Marriage Protection Order
FL403Application to vary, extend or discharge
FL403AApplication to vary, extend or discharge Forced Marriage Protection Orders
FL407Applications for warrant of Arrest
FL407AApplication for warrant of arrest for a Forced Marriage Protection Order
FL415Statement of service
FL430Application for leave to apply for a Forced Marriage Protection Order
FL431Application to join /cease as a party to Forced Marriage Protection Proceedings
FM1Family Mediation Information and Assessment Form FM1
FM5Statement of position on non-court dispute resolution (NCDR)
Form ANotice of [intention to proceed with] a financial application to which the standard procedure applies
Form A1Notice of [intention to proceed with] a financial application to which the fast-track procedure applies
Form BNotice of an application to consider the financial position of the Respondent after the divorce/dissolution
Form E Financial statement
  • For a financial order under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973/Civil Partnership Act 2004
  • For financial relief after an overseas divorce etc under Part 3 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984/Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004

(NOTE: this form should not be used for an application for a variation of an order, except where that application is to capitalise an order for periodical payments.)

Form E NotesForm E (Financial Statement for a financial order or for financial relief after an overseas divorce or dissolution etc) Notes for guidance
Form E1

Financial Statement for a financial remedy (other than a financial order or financial relief after an overseas divorce/dissolution etc) in the family or high court

(Note: this form is also used for a debtor to provide financial information to the court where an order is issued under rule 33.3(3) FPR pursuant to an application for enforcement made under rule 33.3(2)(b) FPR.)

Form E2Financial Statement for a variation of an order for a financial remedy (other than for variation to capitalise an order for periodical payments)
Form E2 NotesForm E2 (Financial statement for a variation of an order for a financial remedy, other than for variation to capitalise an order for periodical payments) Notes for guidance.
Form FNotice of allegation in proceedings for financial remedy
Form HEstimate of costs (financial remedy)
Form H1Statement of Costs (financial remedy)
Form INotice of request for periodical payments order at the same rate as order for interim maintenance pending outcome of proceeding
Form PPension inquiry form
Form P1Pension sharing annex
Form P2Pension attachment annex
Form PPFPension Protection Fund Inquiry Form
Form No. 67Writ of sequestration
Form PPF 1Pension Protection Fund sharing annex
Form PPF 2Pension Protection Fund attachment annex
FP1Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010
FP1AApplication under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 Notes for applicant on completing the application (Form FP1)
FP1BApplication under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 Notes for respondent
FP2Application notice Part 18 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010
FP3Application for injunction (General form)
FP5Acknowledgment of service Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010
FP6Certificate of service
FP8Notice of change of solicitor
FP9Certificate of suitability of litigation friend
FP25Witness Summons
FP161Appellant’s Notice
FP161AGuidance Notes on completing the FP161 – Appellant’s Notice
FP162Respondent’s Notice
FP162AGuidance Notes on completing the FP162 – Respondent’s Notice
FP244Application Notice
FP244AApplication Notice (FP244) – Notes for Guidance
N161Appellant’s Notice
N161AGuidance Notes on Completing the Appellant’s Notice
N161BImportant Notes for Respondents
N161DGuidance Notes on completing the form N161 – Appellant’s notice (all family proceedings appeals in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) and the family court)
N162Respondent’s Notice
N162AGuidance Notes for Completing the Respondent’s Notice
N163Skeleton Argument
N164Appellant’s Notice
N244Application Notice
N260Statement of costs (summary assessment)
N285General Affidavit
N323Request for Warrant of Execution
N349Application for a third party debt order
PLO8Standard Directions on Issue
PLO9Standard Directions at First Appointment
PLP10Order Menu – Directions Revised Private Law Programme
REMO 1Notice of Registration
REMO 2Notice of Refusal of Registration.
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Ministry of Justice