Family Procedure Rules

Family Procedure Rules

Web Version 
Practice Direction – Practice Directions Relating to Family Proceedings in Force before 6th April 2011 which Support the Family Procedure Rules 2010 
Part 1 – Overriding Objective 
Part 2 – Application and Interpretation of the Rules (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 2 – Application and Interpretation of the Rules (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 2A – Functions of the Court in the Family Procedure Rules 2010 and Practice Directions which may be performed by a single lay justice (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 2A – Functions of the Court in the Family Procedure Rules 2010 and Practice Directions which may be performed by a single lay justice (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 2B – References in the Rules to Actions Done by the Court or by a Court Officer 
Practice Direction 2C – Justices’ legal adviser (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 2C – Justices’ legal adviser (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice direction 2D: Functions of the High Court which may be performed by a specified court officer 
Part 3 – Non-court Dispute Resolution 
Practice Direction 3A – Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMS) 
Part 3A – Vulnerable persons participation in proceedings and giving evidence 
Practice Direction 3AA – Vulnerable persons: participation in proceedings and giving evidence 
Practice Direction 3AB – Prohibition of cross-examination in person in family proceedings under Part 4B of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 
Part 4 – General Case Management Powers 
Practice Direction 4A – Striking Out a Statement of Case 
Practice Direction 4B – Civil Restraint Orders 
Part 5 – Forms, start of proceedings and communication with the court 

Practice Direction 5A – Forms (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)


Practice Direction 5A – Forms (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)

Practice Direction 5B – Communication and filing of documents by e-mail 
Practice Direction 5C – Communications with the court 
Practice Direction 5D: Procedure for bulk scanning of certain documents  
Part 6 – Service (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 6 – Service  (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 6A – Service Within the Jurisdiction (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 6A – Service Within the Jurisdiction (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 6B – Service Out of the Jurisdiction 
Practice Direction 6C – Disclosure of Addresses by Government Departments (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 6C – Disclosure of Addresses by Government Departments (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Part 7 – Procedure for Applications in Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Proceedings (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 7 – Procedure for Applications in Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Proceedings (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7A – Procedure for Applications in Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Proceedings (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7A – Procedure for Applications in Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Proceedings (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7B – Medical Examinations on Applications for Annulment of a Marriage (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7B – Medical Examinations on Applications for Annulment of a Marriage (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7C – Polygamous Marriages (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7C – Polygamous Marriages (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 7D – The Gender Recognition Act 2004 
Part 8 – Procedure for Miscellaneous Applications 
Practice Direction 8A – Where to start certain proceedings 
Practice Direction 8B: Application by birth parent for declaration of parentage in respect of an adopted child 
Part 9 – Applications for a Financial Remedy (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 9 – Applications for a Financial Remedy (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 9A – Application for a Financial Remedy (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 9A – Application for a Financial Remedy (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 9B – Communication of information from financial remedy proceedings 
Part 10 – Applications under Part 4 of the Family Law Act 1996 
Practice Direction 10A – Part 4 of the Family Law Act 1996 
Part 11 – Applications under Part 4A of the Family Law Act 1996 
Practice Direction 11A: Notification of certain protection orders to the police 
Part 12 – Proceedings Relating to Children Except Parental Order Proceedings and Proceedings for Applications in Adoption, Placement and Related Proceedings 
Practice Direction 12A – Care, Supervision and Other Part 4 Proceedings: Guide to Case Management 
Practice Direction 12B – Child Arrangements Programme 
Practice Direction 12C – Service of Application in Certain Proceedings Relating to Children 
Practice Direction 12D – Inherent Jurisdiction (Including Wardship) Proceedings 
Practice Direction 12E – Urgent Business 
Practice Direction 12F – International Child Abduction 
Practice Direction 12G – Communication of Information 
Practice Direction 12H – Contribution Orders 
Practice Direction 12I – Applications for Reporting Restriction Orders 
Practice Direction 12J – Child Arrangements and Contact Order: Domestic Violence and Harm 
Practice Direction 12K – Children Act 1989: Exclusion Requirement 
Practice Direction 12L – Children Act 1989:Risk Assessments under Section 16A 
Practice Direction 12M – Family Assistance Orders: Consultation 
Practice Direction 12N – Enforcement of Children Act 1989 Child Arrangements Orders: Disclosure and Information to Officers of the National Probation Service 
Practice Direction 12O – Child: Arrival by air 
Practice Direction 12P – Removal from Jurisdiction: Issue of Passports 
Practice Direction 12Q – Orders under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 
Part 13 – Proceedings Under Section 54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 
Part 14 – Procedure for Applications in Adoption, Placement and Related Proceedings 
Practice Direction 14A – Who Receives a Copy of the Application Form for Orders in Proceedings 
Practice Direction 14B – The First Directions Hearing – Adoptions with a Foreign Element 
Practice Direction 14C – Reports by the Adoption Agency or Local Authority 
Practice Direction 14D – Reports by a Registered Medical Practitioner (‘Health Reports’) 
Practice Direction 14E – Communication of Information Relating to Proceedings 
Practice Direction 14F – Disclosing Information to an Adopted Adult 
Part 15 – Representation of Protected Parties 
Practice Direction 15A – Protected Parties 
Practice Direction 15B – Adults Who May be Protected Parties and Children Who May Become Protected Parties in Family Proceedings 
Part 16 – Representation of Children and Reports in Proceedings Involving Children 
Practice Direction 16A – Representation of Children 
Part 17 – Statements of Truth 
Practice Direction 17A – Statements of Truth 
Part 18 – Procedure for other Applications in Proceedings 
Practice Direction 18A – Other Applications in Proceedings 
Part 19 – Alternative Procedure for Applications 
Practice Direction 19A – Alternative Procedure for Applications 
Part 20 – Interim Remedies and Security for Costs 
Practice Direction 20A – Interim Remedies 
Part 21 – Miscellaneous Rules about Disclosure and Inspection of Documents 
Practice Direction 21A – Disclosure and Inspection 
Part 22 – Evidence 
Practice Direction 22A – Written Evidence 
Part 23 – Miscellaneous Rules about Evidence 
Part 24 – Witnesses and depositions generally (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 24 – Witnesses and depositions generally (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 24A – Witnesses and Depositions generally 
Part 25 – Experts and Assessors (applicable to applications issued by the court on or after 6 April 2022)  
Part 25 – Experts and Assessors (applicable to applications issued by the court before 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 25A – Experts and Assessors in Family Proceedings 
Practice Direction 25B – The Duties of an Expert, the Expert’s Report and Arrangements for an Expert to Attend Court 
Practice Direction 25C – Children Proceedings – the Use of Single Joint Experts and the Process Leading to an Expert Being Instructed or Expert Evidence Being Put Before the Court 
Practice Direction 25D – Financial Remedy Proceedings and Other Family Proceedings (Except Children Proceedings) – the Use of Single Joint Experts and the Process Leading to Expert Evidence Being Put Before the Court 
Practice Direction 25E – Discussions Between Experts in Family Proceedings 
Practice Direction 25F – Assessors in Family Proceedings 
Practice Direction 25G – Toxicology test evidence 
Part 26 – Change of Solicitor 
Practice Direction 26A – Change of Solicitor 
Part 27 – Hearings and Directions Appointments 
Practice Direction 27A – Family Proceedings: Court Bundles (Universal Practice to be Applied in the High Court and Family Court) 
Practice Direction 27B – Attendance of Media Representatives or duly authorised lawyers at Hearings in Family Proceedings 
Practice Direction 27C: Attendance of IDVAs and ISVAs (comes into force 6 April 2023) 
Part 28 – Costs 
Practice Direction 28A – Costs 
Part 29 – Miscellaneous 
Practice Direction 29A – Human Rights, Joining the Crown 
Practice Direction 29B – Human Rights Act 1998 
Practice Direction 29C – Transfer of proceedings from the family court to the high court  
Practice Direction 29D – Court officers making corrections to orders 
Part 30 – Appeals 
Practice Direction 30A – Appeals 
Practice Direction 30B – Appeals – Transparency  
Part 31 – Registration of Orders under the Council Regulation, the Civil Partnership (Jurisdiction and Recognition of Judgments) Regulations 2005 and under the Hague Convention 1996 
Practice Direction 31A – Registration of Orders under the 1996 Hague Convention 
Part 32 – Registration and Enforcement of Orders 
Practice Direction 32A – Forms Relating to Part 32 
Part 33 – Enforcement 
Practice Direction 33A – Enforcement of Undertakings 
Part 34 – Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders 
Practice Direction 34A – Reciprocal Enforcement of Mainenance Orders 
Practice Direction 34B – Tracing Payers Overseas 
Practice Direction 34C – REVOKED  
Practice Direction 34D – Form Relating to Part 34 
Practice Direction 34E – Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders – Designated Family Judge Areas 
Part 35 – REVOKED  
Practice Direction 35A – REVOKED  
Part 36 – Transitional Arrangements and Pilot Schemes 
Practice Direction 36A – Transitional Arrangements 

Practice Direction 36C – Expired 31 March 2014


Practice Direction 36D – Pilot scheme: procedure for using an online system to generate applications in certain proceedings for a matrimonial order  

Practice Direction 36E – Pilot Scheme: Procedure for online filing of applications in certain proceedings for a matrimonial order
Practice Direction 36F – expired 23 July 2018 
Practice Direction 36G – Pilot Scheme: Procedure for using an online system to generate applications in certain private law proceedings relating to children 
Practice Direction 36H – REVOKED  
Practice Direction 36I – expired 31 March 2020 
Practice Direction 36J – expired 30 September 2021 
Practice Direction 36K – expired 3 April 2022
Practice Direction 36L – Pilot Scheme: Procedure for using an online system to complete certain stages of certain proceedings for a matrimonial order 
Practice Direction 36M expired 31 March 2022 

Practice Direction 36N – Pilot Scheme: Procedure for online filing and progression of certain applications for or in relation to a financial remedy

Practice Direction 36O – expired 3 April 2022 
Practice Direction 36P – Pilot Scheme: Placement proceedings: procedure for specified steps to be taken via the online system 
Practice Direction 36Q: expired 31 March 2022 
Practice Direction 36R – expired 31 March 2022 
Practice Direction 36S – expired 31 March 2021 
Practice Direction 36T – expired 31 May 2021  
Practice Direction 36U – expired 30 September 2021 
Practice Direction 36V – Pilot scheme: Family mediation voucher scheme 
Practice Direction 36W – expired 30 September 2022 
Practice Direction 36X – expired 5 April 2022 
Practice Direction 36Y – expired 1 April 2023 
Practice Direction 36Z – Pilot Scheme: private law reform: Investigative approach  
Practice Direction 36ZA – Pilot Scheme: procedure for notification to the police by email of certain orders made under part 4 of the family law act 1996 
Practice Direction 36ZB: Pilot scheme: procedure for using an online system to complete and file certain applications for an adoption order (comes into force 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 36ZC: Pilot scheme: procedure for using an online system to complete certain proceedings for a matrimonial order or civil partnership order (new law) (comes into force 6 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 36ZD – pilot scheme: online system for certain private law proceedings relating to children, certain protective orders and certain appeals (comes into force 20 April 2022)  
Practice Direction 36ZE – Pilot Provision: Temporary modification of practice directions 2C, 5B, 12A and 12B  
Practice Direction 36ZF – Pilot scheme: Public law outline: Checklists (comes into force January 2024) 
Part 37 – Applications and proceedings in relation to contempt of court 
Practice Direction 37A – Applications and Proceedings in Relation to Contempt of Court 
Part 38 – Recognition and enforcement of protection measures
Practice Direction 38A – Recognition and Enforcement of Protection Measures 
Part 39 – Attachment of earnings 
Part 40 – Charging order, stop order, stop notice 
Practice Direction 40A – Charging order, stop orders, stop notices 
PART 41 – Proceeding by electronic means 
Practice Direction 41A – Proceeding by electronic means: certain proceedings for a matrimonial order 
Practice Direction 41B – Proceeding by electronic means: procedure for an application for a consent order for a financial remedy in connection with divorce proceedings 
Practice Direction 41C – Proceeding by electronic means: appeals in family proceedings heard in the High Court 
Practice Direction 41D – Proceeding by electronic means: public law proceedings and emergency proceedings relating to children  
Practice Direction 41E – Procedure for using an online system to complete and file certain applications for an adoption order 
Practice Direction 41F: Proceeding by electronic means: placement proceedings 
Practice Direction 41G – Proceeding by electronic means: certain proceedings for a matrimonial order or civil partnership order (new law) (comes into force 1 June 2024)

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Ministry of Justice